Screen Printing Fun! Hope everyone is having a good week so far!:) I’ve been overloaded with the more boring side of my business lately (tax & paperwork) that I felt a bit drained & was feeling a bit less creative. I’m one for staying positive so I booked myself in at a screen print studio for the day to have a day of fun & experimentation. I didn’t set out with a look or a brief in mind I just let things happen naturally (I seem to work best this way) Here are a few snapshots of my prints which I’m now selling as a small limited edition collection online here I went back to my old stitch & machine embroidery routes which inspired this small collection, I printed with the silhouette of some stitching I did a while back (that was purposely created in a loose, knotted style) Hope you like them!:) they are a bit more edgy & more spontaneous than my usual commercial work. Next Article Previous Article