
Hello Hello!  I have had a lovely day today making my way through Indy shops and lovely boutiques.  This is one of my favourite things to do.  One of the reasons I love writing this post on Thursdays is that I can actually get distracted from wanting to buy all the gorgeous things for myself and get excited about sharing these with all of you.
Today I want to introduce Rice.  This sweet and happy brand was created by Charlotte in Denmark and her husband.  It started as a dream which turned into an adventure and finally became their reality and dream job.  They have a wide range of products from home décor objects to accessories.  I especially like their melamine line, it is lovely to be able to have happy and quirky prints in your kitchenware.
Do check their lovely website, it is fun and has a fun and playful feel to it, “People care, we care” is their slogan and that’s what everything by Rice feels like.  Love Moni!