Stunning Photography – Kat Sloma

Today I wanted to share with you the truly amazing photography by Kat Sloma. Kat is another lovely talent who I met at the dowhatyouloveforlife/retreat back in May this year.

Her pictures just made me say ‘WOW’ I’m a huge fan of textures & colours so her photography just ticks all the boxes for me (Love, LOVE the top three images)

Mini Biography:

“I’m an artist, primarily a photographer, with a strong belief that everyone can benefit from having art and creativity in their life. I love all forms of art, and practice painting, writing and drawing in addition to my first love, photography.
I’ve always been in love with visual art. I’ve been building my photography skills for over 10 years, but truly discovered a deep passion for this art form in the last two years while living in Italy and traveling Europe. I moved to Italy in 2009 for a corporate work assignment as an engineering project manager, but I leave in 2011 as an artist. Two years of living and traveling in an environment so rich in art, history and visual beauty have changed me forever.
Along my personal creative journey, I’ve discovered that having a regular practice of art and creativity connects me to my true self. It increases my happiness and satisfaction in every day life. I’ve also discovered a passion for encouraging others along their journey as well. I love what creativity brings to my life; I want others to find the same kind of happiness, satisfaction and confidence through art and creativity”.
Like Kat’s work? She has just launched a fabulous new e-course For more information you can visit the page here
For more information about Kat you can visit her page here She also has a wonderful blog at: