Pretty Bitter…

Hey there! Kelly again, one of Rachael’s placements that she just can’t seem to get rid of! 🙂 The lovely Rachael has asked me to guest blog on Monday’s so from now on you’ll be getting weekly posts from yours truly. I’m currently in my 3rd year studying Textile Design at the University of Leeds, and as I am constantly researching at the moment, (remember your dissertation anyone?) I will have lots to blog about! Speaking of which…

Pretty Bitter is a stationary brand ‘that pushes the envelope’ and it’s selection of beautiful illustrative stationary combined with insults and bitter wording cerrtainly show how the brand is thinking outside the box. The ‘one thing today’ pads would be very handy and I particularly love their ‘Dirty Doilies’ cards which are so pretty and feminine but come with a ‘Please write responsibly’ warning! If you are not insulted by the end of this blog post, they are obviously not doing their job right. Check them out here. Enjoy! Kelly 🙂

Check out my own blog here! 🙂