Lovely Louise Tiler

Good Morning Everyone! Louise Tiler is a young British designer who has had an incredible year since graduating from University and today I’m sharing photographs of her new collection of beautifully designed cards. She is also a contributor to the groundbreaking e-course, and as a student I highly recommend this course to anyone who has love for pattern.

“Louise Tiler has been heralded as on of Britain’s most promising young designers. In 2011 she gained a First from Leeds College of Art, won BDC New Designer of the Year, and was awarded Grand Prize Winner of Surtex Designext Competition in New York. “I am passionate about creating timeless hand-drawn and hand-painted designs that are influenced by the past and inspired by intricate, beautiful things.”‘
*Quoted from the back of Louise Tiler’s Card.

Louise is currently working on her website but you can find more about Louise by following her on Facebook and on twitter @louisetiler
Love Hannah 🙂