2012 – My year in travel!

I had set myself a goal in 2012 to travel overseas as much as possible! (As well as visiting lots of new places within the UK). I love revisiting places but it’s my ambition to discover lots of new & exciting destinations, I have a huge wish list of places that I want to explore & I’m really excited to book more spontaneous trips for 2013! There really is a big wide world out there so I’m saving lots to go on lots of adventures!

I was lucky enough to visit Paris for the second time along with exploring Edinburgh, Barcelona, Milan, Stockholm & the beautiful Cape Verde Islands for the very first time!

Have you travelled this year? Where is your dream destination? I’d love to hear your thoughts, you can share your comments below…

Innovative window displays spotted in Edinburgh (above & below)

Roaming the streets in Paris (above & below)
Views of Barcelona (above)

‘Caso Batlo’ – one of my favourite Gaudi buildings in beautiful Barcelona!
Beautiful sculpture in Milan
Dancers in the streets of Milan!
City views & harbour in Stockholm (above & below)
 Beautiful beaches – Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands (above & below)

I feel truly blessed that my job allows me to have this freedom. I work crazy hours sometimes but I’m really rewarded with the flexibility that it brings. I regularly travel to London for work along with visiting lots of design shows & galleries in & around Europe! I’m a spontaneous person & LOVE the unknown so I’m looking forward to seeing where my design career takes me!