Beauty Breakdown / / Korres

Good morning creative people! 

Welcome to a Beauty morning with me, MaJo 🙂 Every Thursday I’ll delight you with gorgeously packed beauty products (and every now and then, I’ll even throw you a beauty secret). 

Today it’s going to be about Korres Natural Products. It was created by a greek pharmacist after he learnt all about ‘natural ingredients and their application in over 3,000 herbal remedies’ while working in a homeopathic pharmacy. They produce ‘safe, clinically effective, and affordable natural skincare products of interesting design.’  They have a very varied and complete product range, but for this post I chose their fragrance line for its delicious and elegant packaging. It is a mixed between botanical or historical illustrations and abstract textures that really make them design objects of desire. Enjoy!

all images courtesy of Korres
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read. See you next week with more inspiring designs. Have a great day, MaJo.