5 ways to elevate your confidence using colour in your artwork

Even if you’re only a little bit familiar with my design work, you’ll know that I’m OBSESSED with colour & I’m not shy about using all kinds of colour from neutrals to rainbow. However, one of the big things that comes up in my online teaching & coaching is how scared or unsure creatives are when it comes to making colour choices in their work.



Colour can often make or break a design so it is an important skill to learn. Here are 5 tips to help you go from struggling to confident:

1. Create a 3D colour palette. This is a task I created for my courses & is something my students absolutely love for helping them get inspired. It’s all about searching your home for objects to make a physical colour palette which could then inspire a digital one. Be sure to have fun with it, get the family or kids involved & see what you can come up with! This is also a great form of art therapy.

2. Be inspired by your surroundings. Whether it’s the colours you choose to wear, the colours of the flowers & leaves you spot on a drive or colours of houses you come across on a walk, capture them & let them inspire you.

3. Tap into trends. We’re always sharing trending colour palettes over on the Make it in Design Instagram. Why not choose one now & have a go at re-colouring an existing design or creating a new one inspired by the colour palette?

4. Seasonal colour. Whether it’s summer or winter where you are right now, think about the kinds of colours that would often be associated with that season. Spend some time researching & experiment with creating palettes that you feel fit those seasons.

5. Create your own colour palette generator. Grab a jar, paper or sticky notes & write down as many different colour combinations as you can think of. You could use words like ‘warm’, ‘cool’ & ‘neutral’. Or they could be ‘pastel’, ‘gothic’ or ‘botanical’. Or even just the names of colours. Next time you need inspiration grab a selection from the jar & experiment the results. You could even use Pantone swatches or DIY paint chips!

There is a whole world of colour to explore that will help make your design work or business even more lucrative & with time & practice it will soon become a natural creative instinct.



In my online Creative Coaching Sessions I can guide you on how to choose & use colour effectively & make it work for you. It’s often colour that can help you branch out into new market areas, bring in new clients, & therefore produce more income streams. I can provide you with the expert advice & knowledge you need to leave the session feeling motivated to delve into colour with a fresh new perspective.