Young Talent – Robyn Toria
I recently visited the lovely Cleveland College of Art & Design where I delivered a design lecture & met a large number of talented students. This is where I came across up & coming illustrator Robyn Toria, I was blown away by her stunning illustrations so much so that I commissioned her to create a biography image for me! I just love her unique style & thought it would make a great collaborative piece. I’m always asked for bio images & I never like my photos so this seemed the perfect solution.
“Robyn Toria is a freelance illustrator and designer from the north of England, specialising in portraiture and fashion illustration. She mixes traditional pencil drawing with bright colours and a diverse range of media”.
I gave Robyn one of my work photographs & asked her to combine a couple of my patterns. I just LOVE the end result. I have decided to share all of the work & development stages on the blog today so you can see how talented Robyn is! I’m really AMAZED by it all, thanks Robyn! I highly recommend Robyn, I’m sure I’ll be hiring her again.
You can follow Robyn’s blog here, she also has recently set up a Faceebook page you can connect with Robyn on twitter @robyntori.