More about MaJoBV!

Good morning creative people!

Welcome to a Beauty morning with me, MaJo 🙂 This week though, Rachael gave me the chance to tell you guys a bit more about myself, so my weekly Beauty Breakdown will be posted next Tuesday afternoon (a one time exception). 
This quote really helped me feel better on a sad day… you can read more about it here.
You already know the basics about me: I’m a Colombian living in Milan, Fashion, Textile and Surface Pattern Designer in L♥VE with whimsical, bright, quirky, fun design, nail-art, dogs and fake eyelashes 🙂 So far 2013 has been a great year for me: I was chosen as one of the Top 10 designers to participate in REPEAT(ed), became an Artscase artist, was chosen by Rachael to be one of her guest bloggers, and have some more great news in the boiling pot 🙂 I’m just really thankful for all the amazing things that have happened so far, and I’m very excited for the road I’m paving for myself: I’m sure it’ll take me far… I just have to believe it!

Anyway… I would like to take advantage of this free post I was given to also talk more about my life in Europe and why I’m here. I can’t really explain why, but ever since I was little I wanted to live in Paris. Life works in different ways, so I ended up moving to Milan instead. I love travelling and learning from new places and cultures, I also like change, so I don’t think I will stay here forever… I would like to experience long term stays in other European cities too, so I might move to Paris someday in my life, who knows, right? 

People wonder why I choose to be here instead of choosing my own country and family and all the comforts I could have there… well, I guess the quick answer is: I like creating my own success, even when there is an easier way to choose. I miss my family A LOT! but I was taught to be independent and to work for what I want, and all I want is to prove my family I’m strong and capable enough to do so 🙂 

Il Duomo di Milano – I literally cried the first time I found myself in front of it. It is just stunning and every time I see it I realise how lucky I am to be in such a historical city. 

Searching deeper, there are many more reasons why I like living here: Europe is filled with art, history and culture… everywhere you go, everywhere you look you breath in years and years of inspiration. Europe is a really small continent, but so culturally rich it seems huge. I love travelling, and moving around Europe is very easy and also cheap if you find the right offer. I love the fact that I can take a plane and be in Berlin, Paris or Madrid in an hour or so. I have over 25 countries with their own language, culture, traditions at the palm of my hand… I feel I’m on the World’s bellybutton, and I love it!

I took this picture one day while walking to work… it is the courtyard of a beautiful old building in downtown Milan, and I just found everything about it beautiful. So many architectural motifs to be inspired by. I wanted to show you an example of how easy and simple it is here to find things that just take your breath away 🙂 

I don’t know where life will take me, I don’t know if I’ll live the rest of my life in Europe or if I’ll eventually move back to Colombia… I might, so I’m trying to soak in as much inspiration as I can while I’m here. One thing is true though, inspiration is everywhere… even in the tiniest of places, even in front of wherever you are now sitting reading this post. We all just need to learn to observe, and we’ll be able to find beauty everywhere!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this personal post. I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know me a bit better. I leave you with some of my newest work (and a couple of oldies) hoping to still inspire you today. Have a great day, MaJo.

Also my beautiful country (Colombia) serves me as inspiration… actually, it is always present in my work even if not always as literal as in this design which was inspired by the colonial architecture and colours  of the gorgeous city of Cartagena.