A dream come true… my design on a car!

We’ve been having a lot of fun going back through some of the amazing things I have seen happen with my designs over the years & I don’t think many compare to the time when one of my ultimate dreams came true & I got to see my design vinyl wrapped onto a car!

Back in 2016 myself & the team at Make it in Design joined Roland DG UK for a designer day where they printed my patterns on everything from vinyl & ceramic tiles to phone cases & window stickers. The car was the star of the show however, featuring my popular ‘Shapes & Squares’ design. I even got involved with attaching the vinyl!



So what did I learn from the experience?

Scale is so so important. You can see from the images above that the scale of your design (how zoomed in or out it is) can have a massive impact on the look of a product & you need to make sure you get it right.

Versatility is key. My designs are now often intentionally created to be multidirectional & work for multiple markets so they can be used across a multitude of products.

There are endless possibilities for our designs. It’s amazing the many possibilities out there for our work, & it can be overwhelming to decide which path to take. But isn’t that so exciting too?! We are very lucky as surface designers to be able to work across multiple markets & product areas.

Networking is so beneficial. Not only did I get to work on future projects with Roland thanks to making that connection, I also came away from the day wonderfully inspired by my students & the ideas flying around & their pure excitement at the technology available. For a career that can often be a solitary, lonely one, I’ve found it’s essential to build this support system.

If you are looking for 1:1 guidance, my Creative Coaching Sessions are for you with 40% off right now! I can help you navigate product design, manufacturing, your creative career, design portfolio, print on demand & so much more.

Appointments are carried out online via, with dates currently available a year ahead. Each session will be tailored to you &/or your business & what you need right now & are accessible from around the world & flexible to suit your time zone.