Closing a cherished chapter – Make it in Design

To my wonderful creative community, it has been the most magical 13 years of running my online design school Make it in Design. Today I would like to share with you the news that Make it in Design will be closing December 31st, 2024.

There is currently a huge 80% off sale as a joyous celebration to end something that has meant so much to me.



To know we’ve helped so many incredibly talented people go on to dream big & reach for the stars is one of my greatest joys. This is all down to the dedication from our amazing community & my absolutely brilliant team at Make it in Design, both past and present. We’ve also been blessed with an abundance of freelance support & stellar industry contributors far & wide. Sometimes I still can’t believe the global heights we have reached.

As someone who really didn’t have it easy growing up & has faced incredibly dark times my creativity has always been the light & the way out & just know that each & every amazing student that has joined us & shined, has shined a bright light for me too. I’m fortunate enough to receive many compliments about my teaching style but just know this creative community helped me as much as I’ve helped everyone else. You really have! I still get imposter syndrome to this day.

Make it in Design had allowed me to pursue a creative path beyond my wildest dreams. But as someone who has always had a strong work ethic (my first part time job was at 14), sometimes it’s hard to know when to rest, switch off & not put so much on myself. We were the first ever online surface pattern design course in the world & have since expanded into multiple disciplines. However, as we all know, the world has since been flooded with competing online courses & having to be more sales driven has taken us all away from the parts of our jobs we loved the most. Whilst Make it in Design is still delivering amazing creative magic, it’s also time for it to close its doors to allow for the next exciting thing for the team.

Personally, I need to step back & slow down & as much as I adore & feel honoured to be the face behind this beautiful brand, it comes with pressure. I’ve truly gave it my all & poured 13 years of my creative soul into it. I hope you have all seen my authenticity & open nature & know I’ve been your biggest cheerleader. So, whilst I’m still in love with our Make it in Design magic it’s now the time to let it go in a celebratory way rather than those feelings ever changing in the future. 

My next steps are evolving, & I’m still very much open to new opportunities. I’ll still be running my design studio, award-winning coaching & working in education, but in a much simpler way.

Make it in Design made dreams happen & I couldn’t be prouder. I was discouraged by many about a creative career at the beginning & wow look at what we have all achieved!

It’s a lot to squeeze in to one post, so I’ll be sharing more throughout the coming months. There’s also a huge closing down sale ON NOW.

If you have any questions, please check our FAQ’s page before emailing the team at [email protected]

Much love,
Rachael xoxo