How To Sell Your Artwork On The Street (Yes, Really)


Selling your art on the street or from a market stall might sound strange, but many creative people use this strategy as a highly effective business strategy.

No, it’s probably not what you imagined. But if you haven’t tried it yet, don’t knock it. Artists who set up their shops and stalls in high-traffic areas or tourist hotspots can have.

The question is, where should you start?

Fortunately, the answer is quite straightforward. This post explains what you need to do if you want to open a stall in a public place to sell your wares.


Get A Permit

It’s dull, but the first step is to get your permit. Most locations will require you to have one, especially if you want to sell in a popular area.

If you don’t get a permit, law enforcement will move you on, which isn’t what you want, so make sure you have this document.

Remember to sell your ideas to local officials. Get them to buy into what you want to do.


Price Your Artwork Strategically

Next, you want to price your artwork strategically. Remember, if people think you’re selling something original, they’ll want to spend more. But at the same time, they won’t usually hand over thousands to a street vendor.

If you can create artwork about them or provide a service right in front of them, that can sometimes bump up the price. Also, if you give them something original and hand-drawn or made, that can give you an advantage.


Create A Portable Setup

Make sure that you have a portable setup that’s quick to put up in the mornings. You don’t want to be leaving artwork in an unsecured stall overnight.

Therefore, use pop-up tables, a canopy, and a van. These three elements will keep you dry and out of the sun while allowing you to display your work and keep it safe at the same time.

Make sure your price tags are visible. Even if people like your art, they might be unwilling to browse unless they can get a sense of what you’re asking them to spend.


Set Up Payments

Ensure you have a credit card POS system ready to go. Getting this step right makes it much more likely that you’ll make quick sales through your stalls.

Don’t worry, these systems aren’t as expensive as they used to be. Plus, even small sellers can take advantage of them, so you don’t have to be making thousands of pounds a month, even small amounts will suffice.


Engage With Buyers

Also, make sure you make friends with the buyers who come to you. They won’t usually purchase it immediately. But if you can build a relationship with them, it increases the likelihood of them coming back, which, of course, is what you want.


Use Signage

Finally, make sure you make proper use of signage and branding. What you sell from your stall should be obvious.

Getting this right can encourage higher footfall and impulse purchases. People in the mood for artwork can immediately see that you’re ready to fulfil their needs.


This is a partnered post.