Feeling Grateful
23.01.18 | Feeling Grateful
This is my totally cheesy happy face but I’m feeling very grateful right now for all of the opportunities that I receive through both my design studio & sister company Make it in Design. I […]
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Next In-Person Workshop!
18.01.18 | Next In-Person Workshop!
The Floral Print Motif Workshop I’m really excited for my next in-person workshop! It’s rare that I get to host these type of events because I already teach so much through my online design school […]
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Designing From Nature
18.12.17 | Designing From Nature
I love designing from nature & I’ve been lucky enough to see a range of my floral prints decorate a number of products from giftware to interiors & everything in between. I’ve been hired for […]
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Drawing & Designing Florals
11.12.17 | Drawing & Designing Florals
It’s been over 12 years since I graduated from University & I’ve been lucky enough to have designed florals for almost every area in the marketplace. It’s really rewarding to see my prints & patterns […]
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Passion For Pattern
29.11.17 | Passion For Pattern
I always find it hard to explain what it is that I do as a job to people who are new to my work. First & foremost I’m a Print & Pattern Designer, however I’ve […]
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Your Design Career
25.11.17 | Your Design Career
Next year marks the 10th Anniversary since I left my safe/in-house full time design job to fly solo. I literally handed in my notice before the big recession started (obviously I didn’t know that was […]
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