The power of recolouring your art This month in the studio we’ve been taking part in #MarchMeetTheMaker2024 & one of our recent posts was all about ‘combination’. This was a great topic to post about as we’ve recently been using a ‘combination’ of new colour palettes to recolour some of my most popular portfolio work to include the Pantone colour of the year Peach Fuzz! We explored pairing the peach with tonal colours as well as some of the harmonious palettes provided by Pantone. It’s amazing the difference colour & colour balance can make to the mood of a design. For instance two of the recolours of my 1970s Floral design help capture even more the retro nature of the design whereas the pink & peach focused palette gives it a contemporary feel. For my ‘Vinales Dance’ design, the butterflies become more subtle & delicate. What are your thoughts on these new colourways? The power of recolouring to recharge your portfolio or give older designs a new lease of life is something I teach in my online courses & creative community (doors open again soon), as well as something I can help you gain confidence with in my online coaching. Understanding colour & the impact it can have on your design work will help set you apart & also aid you in carving out a career with longevity. Will you be giving it a go? Happy recolouring! Next Article Previous Article